Accelerated Bachelor of Arts
Mastering the Bible
Module One is designed to give you the Foundation of Biblical Knowledge that is necessary to complete the course Projects in the Bachelor of Arts Major and Minor courses. It is a complete overview and study of the Old and New Testaments, and provides the biblical foundation necessary for successful completion of the curriculum.
Please note the NT reading is in pdf format. File size 2,514KB.
Project Submission
The Three Projects required for the Old Testament and Three Projects required for the New Testament are to be submitted as a single unit.
Use the upload link to submit your Course Projects.
All submissions must be in a Word Document format and include the Cover Page located at the end of your Module One Study Guide. (Simply copy and paste the content and insert as page 1 of your assignment.) Please do not begin Module Two until the previously submitted course has been reviewed and returned from the instructor. If you do not have access to Microsoft Word,
please visit this page.