Doctor of Theology
Program Overview
The Doctor of Theology {Latin, Doctor Theologiae} abbreviated Th.D., is a terminal interdisciplinary degree with a Theology Major Core {of eight required courses} and a Minor Core {of four courses}. The Minor Core offers the Th.D. candidate an opportunity to choose the four courses for the Minor Core from a listing of Minor Core subjects to personalize the curriculum in the Th.D. program. The Th.D. stands alone at the pinnacle of biblical scholarship. For the pastor and teacher, the Th.D. provides a course mix to maximize current and future ministry effectiveness.
By definition, Th.D. programs have traditionally been designed only for theological scholarship. Since 2006 there has been a shift in the purpose of the Th.D. curriculum. Even with this shift in purpose (see paragraph below), the Th.D. remains apart from the Ph.D. programs which are designed for the study of religious issues, and the Doctor of Ministry, which as a professional degree focuses on the more practical issues of ministry in a context of applied pastoral and practical theology.
About the Curriculum
Two Th.D. curriculums are available depending upon the master’s degree discipline and ministry experience. Be sure to review your Registration Form to confirm which Track you are to complete for the program. This Resource Room includes the access portal to both curriculums.
Major Core Curriculum One is for the student with a biblically-based master’s degree. Examples: M.A. in Theology, M.S.L., M.Div., (Students with a biblically-based bachelor’s degree and a secular master’s degree are qualified to earn the Th.D. with Major Core Curriculum One and Minor Core.)
Major Core Curriculum Two is for the student with a secular master’s degree. Examples: M.A., M.Ed., M.Sc., MBA. Curriculum Two contains Th701 and Th702 as prerequisites to the Major Core courses. (Students with a secular master’s degree and at least five years of ministry experience are qualified to earn the Th.D. degree with Major Core Curriculum One and Minor Core.)
Purchasing Textbooks
It is recommended that you purchase your textbooks from Amazon – you will see titles, prices, and availability of both new and used textbooks required to complete the Project assignments required in your courses. There are many online sources for these books. You are not required to buy your books from Amazon. Do your research; decide on the titles for each course; locate the source which is the quickest and least expensive. Then make your purchase one course at a time. (You should not purchase books for more than one course at a time.)