Th.D. Major Core Course Descriptions and Textbooks

Th.D. Major Core Curriculum One Course Descriptions

Th801: Introduction to Theology

This preliminary doctoral level course introduces the basic topics in the study of Theology. It prepares the candidate for the in-depth study of similar topics in Th803 and Th806.

Th802: Exegesis of the Book of Hebrews

This course requires the Audio Lectures in the Online Th.D. Resource Room and the Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible. Projects in exegesis are completed using the Online Greek Lexicon in the Online Th.D. Resource Room.

Th803: Christian Theology I

Using the required textbook, this course contains in-depth studies for seven theological subjects. These are: Scripture; God; The Lord Jesus Christ; The Holy Spirit; Angels, Satan, and Demons.

Th804: Theology of Missions

This course uses the required textbook to integrate current views of the Kingdom of God and holistic mission with traditional views of evangelism and church planting. Topics include contextualization, the missionary vocation, church and mission, and theology of religions. Case studies enable the Th.D. degree candidate to learn how theology of mission engages real-life mission practice.

Th805: Exegesis of the Old Testament

This course integrates the Online Th.D. Resource Room Old Testament text, the Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible, and the Hebrew Lexicon in the Resource Room. This combination creates a venue for research and exegesis in portions of the Old Testament. The Th.D. degree candidate is allowed to select the portions of the Old Testament that will complete the requirements for the Projects.

Th806: Christian Theology II

Using the required textbook, this course contains in-depth studies for six theological subjects. These are: Humanity and Sin; Salvation; Sanctification; The Church; The End Times.

Th807: Eschatology: Studies in the Books of Daniel and Revelation

The Audio Lectures in the Online Th.D. Resource Room are used for the information in the books of Daniel and Revelation that is required to complete the Projects in this course. Eschatology from the Old Testament and from the New Testament provides an enriching study. This course also contains a wealth of information which may be used to teach and preach on the subjects in Eschatology.

Th808: Exegesis of the New Testament

This course integrates the Online Th.D. Resource Room New Testament text, the Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible, and the Greek Lexicon in the Resource Room. This combination creates a venue for research and exegesis in portions of the New Testament. The Th.D. degree candidate is allowed to select the portions of the New Testament that will complete the requirements for the Projects.

Th.D. Major Core Curriculum Two Additional Course Descriptions

TH701: Competence in the Old Testament

This course provides an accelerated overview of the Old Testament. Candidates with secular master’s degrees and less than the required five years of ministry experience will benefit from this study as they complete the Projects in TH805.

Panorama of the Old Testament… Thomas R. Rodgers

TH702: Competence in the New Testament

This course provides an accelerated overview of the New Testament using the text in the Online Th.D. Resource Room. Candidates with secular master’s degrees and less than the required five years of ministry experience will benefit from this study as they complete the Projects in Th808.

Required Books for the Th.D.
Major Core Curriculum


A Popular Systematic Guide to Understanding Biblical Truth… by Charles Caldwell Ryrie

TH803 & TH806:

Understanding Christian Theology… by Charles R. Swindoll and Roy B. Zuck


Encountering Theology of Mission: Biblical Foundations, Historical Developments, and Contemporary Issues… by Craig Ott, Stephen Strauss, and Timothy Tennent

TH802; TH805; TH808:

Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible: King James Version… by Spiros Zodhiates and Warren Baker

TH802 & TH807:

The Online Th.D. Resource Room contains the Audio Lectures for these two courses.

Minor Core Information

The subjects in the Minor Core are to be selected after completing the Major Core Curriculum. The instructions for the Minor Core are in the Th.D. Resource Room. Completion of the Minor Core is accomplished by completing Projects related to the four subjects that the candidate has selected from the list of eleven Th.D. Minor Core subjects. Substitutions are not allowed.

Subjects Listing for the Minor Core

Select Four Subjects to Create the Minor Core

Church History;

Mission Studies;

Social and Theological Ethics;

Liturgical Studies;


Pastoral Psychology;

Sociology of Religion;

Practical Theology;


The Spirit Filled Life;

Sacred Music.

The Atlantic Coast Mission is to provide you with the courses, technology, and academic support to ensure that you obtain the specific knowledge, skills, and credentials to maximize your potential for the demands of the 21st Century.