Each M.A. Concentration contains courses which require Projects related to two textbook and audio lectures which will be located in the Online Resource Room. The audio lectures are also available for personal ministry use. In addition to the courses in the Concentration, there is a Master of Arts Summative Examination. This is a written summation of the learning experience in the M.A. concentration, and is to include how this M.A. experience will be applied by the graduate in life and ministry. You may also replace one or two courses in the Major Concentrations with two elective courses.
Biblical Studies Major Concentration
Courses and Textbooks
BS501 Biblical Theology: An Approach to Biblical Theology… Charles H. H. Scobie
BS502 Old Testament Theology: Dominion in Dynasty: A Study in O. T. Theology… Stephen G. Dempster
BS503 Old Testament History: A Biblical History of Israel… Provan, Long and Longman
BS504 Hermeneutics: An Introduction to Evangelical Hermeneutics… Mel Couch
BS505 Christology: Christology… Gerald O’Collins
SF506 Spiritual Formation: Hearing God… Peter Lord
BS510 M.A. Summative Exam
Additional Textbooks List
BS501 Biblical Theology: The Ways of Our God: An Approach to Biblical Theology… Charles H. H. Scobie
BS502 Old Testament Theology: A Biblical Theology of the Old Testament… Roy Zuck, Eugene Merrill, and Darrell Bock
BS503 Old Testament History: Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments: Theological Reflection on the Christian Bible… Brevard S. Childs
BS504 Hermeneutics: Basic Theology: A Popular Systematic Guide to Understanding Biblical Truth… Charles Caldwell Ryrie
BS505 Christology: New Testament Theology: Many Witnesses, One Gospel… I. Howard Marshall
SF506 Spiritual Formation: Select any book from the two lists.
Alternative Textbooks List
BS501 Biblical Theology: Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine… Wayne A. Grudem
BS502 Old Testament Theology: Everlasting Dominion: A Theology of the Old Testament… Eugene H. Merrill
BS503 Old Testament History: Kingdom of Priests: A History of Old Testament Israel… Eugene H. Merrill
BS504 Hermeneutics: Gospel-Centered Hermeneutics: Foundations and Principles of Evangelical Biblical Interpretation… Graeme Goldsworthy
BS505 Christology: He Came Down from Heaven: The Pre-existence of Christ and the Christian Faith… Douglas
Audio Lectures
Old Testament Synthesis I (Approx. 16 Hours)
Old Testament Synthesis II (Approx. 16 Hours)
Theology of Ministry
Christian Counseling Major Concentration
Courses and Textbooks
CC501: Christian Counseling I: Introduction to Psychology and Counseling… Meier, Wichern, and Ratcliff
CC502: Christian Counseling II: Christian Counseling: An Introduction… Maloney and Augsburger
CC503: Christian Counseling III: Effective Biblical Counseling… Lawrence Crabb
CC504: Marriage Counseling: Solving Marriage Problems… Jay E. Adams
CC505: Ethics in Counseling: Christian Counseling Ethics… Randolph Sanders
SF506: Spiritual Formation: Hearing God… Peter Lord
CC510: M.A. Summative Exam
Additional Textbooks List
CC501: Christian Counseling I: Christian Counseling 3rd Edition: Revised and Updated… Gary R. Collins
CC502: Christian Counseling II: Biblical Concepts for Christian Counseling: A Case for Integrating Psychology and Theology… William T. Kirwan
CC503: Christian Counseling III: Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling (AACC Library)… Mark R. McMinn
CC504: Marriage Counseling: Counseling Families Across the Stages of Life: A Handbook for Pastors and Other Helping Professionals… Andrew J. Weaver
CC505: Ethics in Counseling: Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling: A Practical Guide… Kenneth S. Pope and Melba J. Vasquez
SF506: Spiritual Formation: In Living Color: An Intercultural Approach to Pastoral Care and Counseling…
Emmanuel Y. Lartey and James Poling
Alternative Textbooks List
CC501: Christian Counseling I: Theology of Christian Counseling… Jay E. Adams
CC502: Christian Counseling II: The Biblical Basis of Christian Counseling for People Helpers: Relating the Basic Teachings of Scripture to People’s Problems… Gary Collins
CC503: Christian Counseling III: Competent Christian Counseling, Volume One; Foundations and Practice of Compassionate Soul Care… Timothy Clinton and George Ohlschlager
CC504: Marriage Counseling: I Have a Plan: a Pastor’s Guide to Counseling Troubled Marriages… Charles L. Rassieur
CC505: Ethics in Counseling: Religious Ethics and Pastoral Care… Don S. Browning
SF506: Spiritual Formation: No Alternative
Audio Lectures
Comparative Analysis of Human Psychology
Counseling Adolescents
Dealing with Difficult People
Managing Conflict
Women’s Issues in Counseling
Pastoral Ministry Major Concentration
Courses and Textbooks
PM501 Pastoral Ministry I: How to Shepherd Biblically (MacArthur Pastor’s Library)… John MacArthur and Master’s Seminary Faculty
PM502 Pastoral Ministry II: Skills for Collaborative Ministry… Pimlott and Nash
SF503 Spiritual Formation: The 2959 Plan… Peter Lord
PM504 The Bible and Ministry: Using the Bible in Christian Ministry… Pattison, Trevor Cooling and Margaret Cooling
PM505 Family Ministry: Family Ministry… Charles M. Sell
PM506 Mentoring: The Soul of Ministry: Forming Leaders for God’s People… Ray S. Anderson
Additional Textbooks List
PM501 Pastoral Ministry I: Church Administration: Creating Efficiency for Effective Ministry… Robert H. Welch
PM502 Pastoral Ministry II: Preventing Ministry Failure: A Shepherd Care Guide for Pastors, Ministers and Other Caregivers… Michael Tood Wilson and Brad Hoffmann
SF503 Spiritual Formation: Hearing God … Peter Lord
PM504 The Bible and Ministry: Practical Theology and the One Body of Christ: Toward a Missional-Ecumenical Model (Studies in Practical Theology)… Thomas John Hastings
PM505 Family Ministry: A Generous Presence: Spiritual Leadership and the Art of Coaching… Rochelle Melander
PM506 Mentoring: The Teaching Ministry of Congregations (Interpretation of Bible Studies)… Richard Robert Osmer
Alternative Textbooks List
PM501 Pastoral Ministry I: Practical Guide for Life and Ministry: Overcoming 7 Challenges Pastors Face… David Horner
PM502 Pastoral Ministry II: Pastoral Ministry According to Paul: a Biblical Vision… James Thompson
SF503 Spiritual Formation: No Alternative
PM504 The Bible and Ministry: Apologetic Preaching: Proclaiming Christ to a Postmodern World… Craig A. Loscalzo
PM505 Family Ministry: The Dynamics of Pastoral Care (Ministry Dynamics for a New Century)… David Wiersbe
PM506 Mentoring: Empowered Church Leadership: Ministry in the Spirit According to Paul… Brian J. Dodd
Audio Lectures
Dynamic Pulpit Communication
Pastoral Mentoring
Performing Ministry Responsibility
Resolving Conflict in the Church
Theology Major Concentration
Courses and Textbooks
TH501 Theology I: Christian Theology: An Introduction… Alister McGrath
TH502 Bible Doctrine: An Introduction to Bible Doctrine… Wayne Grudem
TH503 Theology II: Christian Theology… Millard Ericson
TH504 Biblical Theology: An Approach to Biblical Theology… Charles H.H. Scobie
TH505 Theology III: The Gospel of John and Christian Theology… Buckingham and Mosser
SF506 Spiritual Formation: Hearing God… Dr. Peter Lord
Additional Textbooks List
TH501 Theology I: Basic Theology: A Popular Systematic Guide to Understanding Biblical Truth… Charles Caldwell Ryrie
TH502 Bible Doctrine: An Exploration of Christian Theology… Donald A. D. Thorsen
TH503 Theology II: New Testament Theology: Many Witnesses, One Gospel… I. Howard Marshall
TH504 Biblical Theology: A Biblical Theology of the Old Testament… Roy Zuck, Eugene Merrill, and Darrell Bock
TH505 Theology III: The Ways of Our God: An Approach to Biblical Theology… Charles H. H. Scobie
SF506 Spiritual Formation: Select any textbook from the other courses in this Degree Program for 2nd required textbook.
Alternative Textbooks List
TH501 Theology I: Four Views on Moving Beyond the Bible to Theology… Gary T. Meadows; Stanley N. Gundry; Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.; and Daniel M. Doriani
TH502 Bible Doctrine: Soteriology Simplified: Conversionism Instead of Calvinism. Transformed Theology Instead of Reformed Theology… Bob Hadley
TH503 Theology II: Everlasting Dominion: A Theology of the Old Testament… Eugene H. Merrill
TH504 Biblical Theology: Preaching the Whole Bible as Christian Scripture: The Application of Biblical Theology to Expository Preaching… Graeme Goldsworthy
TH505 Theology III: Encountering Theology of Missions: Biblical Foundations, Historical Developments, and Contemporary Issues… Craig Ott
SF506 Spiritual Formation: No Alternative
Audio Lectures
Old Testament Synthesis I
Old Testament Synthesis II
Introduction to New Testament Theology
Sample M.A. Program Syllabus:
Project One
Create a two-level annotated outline for the two textbooks that detail what you consider to be the most important elements or sections in the book.
Project Two
Write a Review Essay for each textbook. Your Review Essays should be not less than 750 words each.
Project Three
Write a Response (reaction) Essay for each textbook. These should be not less than 750 words.
Project Four
Use at least 300 words to describe your learning experience in the course. Include how you will use what you have learned in your professional and/or personal life.
Summative Examination
The Summative Exam is an “open book” summation of your learning experience in the M.A. degree program. Using your textbook outlines, essays, and notes from the audio lectures, write a summation of your educational experience in no less than 1,500 words.
The Atlantic Coast Mission is to provide you with the courses, technology, and academic support to ensure that you obtain the specific knowledge, skills, and credentials to maximize your potential for the demands of the 21st Century.